Stop Harmful Anti-Trans Policies

How To Help

Your voice is crucial in our fight to protect trans healthcare rights in Alberta, but our work is far from over. Here’s how you can amplify your impact:

Send a Letter to the Premier

The first step to getting involved is to use our online tool to send an email to the Premier. When you sign up, an email will be sent your MLA, the Premier, and the Leader of the Opposition. If you've already signed up, proceed to the next item below.

Collect Handwritten Petition Signatures

We urgently need your help to collect signatures on an official paper petition that we will bring to the legislature. Download the petition form, gather at least five original signatures, and return the original signed pages to us as soon as possible - instructions are in the petition document.

Share this Website 

We need to spread the word far and wide. Please share  our website home page with your friends and family—every signature brings us one step closer to stopping this harmful legislation. You can use the buttons below to start now.

Send a Letter to Cabinet Ministers

Join over 28,000 Albertans and sign our original petition calling for the retraction of these harmful anti-trans policies. With this petition, you will also automatically send a letter to all of the Cabinet Ministers responsible for the various aspects of the proposed legislation.

Attend Events

Join us at upcoming events to show your support and connect with others who are passionate about this cause. Your presence sends a powerful message. Sign up online and then watch your email for details about our next events.

Together, we can make a difference. Thank you for standing with us in this crucial fight.