Our Stories

This Is About More Than Healthcare.

It’s about the lives and well-being of trans and gender-diverse people in Alberta.

TransAction Alberta was founded to protect the right to gender-affirming healthcare in Alberta. In response to proposed legislation that threatens these rights, we have united a coalition of concerned citizens, healthcare professionals, allied organizations, non-profits, and among others to stand up against these harmful policies.

We believe that everyone deserves access to necessary healthcare without government interference. Our mission is to ensure that this right is preserved.

Watch more stories at WeAreAllies.ca

Visit WeAreAllies.ca to hear voices and stories of a range of people with direct experience from many backgrounds.

It’s impossible to define any person with just one word. But, for many trans people that’s their reality. Too often, they’re defined only by their transness, and not by the countless other things that make up who they are. If more people took the time to look closer, they’d see human beings with hopes and dreams and unique stories to tell.