Tips for Talking to Friends and Family

When discussing rights to gender affirming healthcare with friends and family, keep in mind that most people have strong opinions, but loosely held. This means they might seem firm in their views, but they’re open to persuasion.

Here’s how to engage them effectively and encourage them to sign the petition:

Don’t Assume Everyone’s With You—or Against You

You might be surprised to find allies you didn’t realize you had, or discover that someone isn’t on board as you expected. Approach each conversation with an open mind. Remember, the goal isn’t to change their entire worldview (we can work on that!)—it’s simply to get their signature in support of protecting trans healthcare rights.

Lead with Your ‘Why’

You have more influence over your friends and family than you may realize. Your personal reason for supporting trans healthcare rights is your most powerful tool—it's your elevator pitch. Share why this issue matters to you; personal stories and motivations resonate more than abstract arguments.

Frame the Stakes Clearly

This isn’t about taking rights away from parents—it’s about preventing irreparable harm to trans kids. Parents & caregivers are a part of their child’s care, and that healthcare professionals, family and youth who need to work together to create a one-fits-one care plan for the youth. This cannot be achieve by crude blanket policies banning care from the government In fact, banning or restricting access to affirming care takes away the rights of families to access life-saving care.

Use Stories, Not Just Facts

Personal stories are compelling. Whether it’s your experience or someone else’s, sharing real-life impacts makes the issue relatable and more human. You can find stories here.

Highlight What’s at Risk

Explain that this issue goes beyond one group—this is about safeguarding the right to personal healthcare decisions for everyone in our province. Government overreach today could set a precedent that affects us all tomorrow. Politicians need to stay out of our doctor’s offices. In other places where affirming care has been banned, bans and restrictions on birth control. reproductive health care, and IVF are always next on the agenda.

Offer a Simple Path to Action: SIGN THE PETITION!

Their signature is what we need. But we want to make sure they feel good about it. Having a conversation with someone that they are close to can make all the difference. Your discussion can help them feel confident in taking this important step. 

Start Collecting Petition Signatures Now

We urgently need your help to collect signatures on paper to bring this to the legislature. Download the petition form, gather at least five original signatures, and return the original signed pages to us as soon as possible - instructions are in the petition document.